Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Puritan Wisdom

On I Peter 4:1-2 --

"This is the cause why Preaching is so little regarded of most, so much opposed by many, even because it would set up Gods will, and pull down mans: If any preacher shall speak against profaning the Lords day, Oh he is the troubler of Israel, hinders people from their wills and old wonts: They enquire not what Gods will is in things, but what their profit and pleasure leads them to; not what is the way that God would have us increase by, namely, by dilligency in our calling, by equal and righteous dealing, &c. is Gods way askt after and followed? No, but shorter cuts are sought after, as by deceit, oppression, and the like; it’s a sign that such shall never come into Gods Kingdom, every Creature is better than they, and have a better end except they repent: If they will have their wills, they must have that belongs to it, they must pay dearly for them, as many do."

-- John Rogers, 524.

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