Saturday, October 20, 2007

Puritan Wisdom

On I Peter 4:3 --

"There be some that speak minsingly of the Religion of Rome, as that there be indeed sundry differences between them and us, but that they are petty and mean ones, and of no great moment, but such, as if we would yield a little, and they a little, there might be a reconciliation made: Wo be to such dawbers, that would go about to reconcile God and the Devil, Light and Darkness, &c. There are sundry differences which are main ones, and against the foundation, and such as except they will renounce, we neither can, nor must ever enjoyn with them. So of the Papists themselves, some will speak very favorably, O they be good honest men, and many good things they do, if it will not a little for their Opinions, &c. Do such speak wisely? They be abominable persons, for they be Idolaters (and those God call abominable) worshipping other Gods, and the true in a false manner, namely, in images: If they were Murderers, and would take away our lives; Adulterers, and would abuse our wives; Thieves, and would take away our goods, O we would cry out upon them, and say, They be abominable; but we have no feeling of any thing which hurts our souls, nor of that which is foully against God and his glory; its an Argument of self love and little grace: It should go more to our hearts, that its against God and his glory, then any thing that were against our selves in any way: We ought to pray to God to convert them or remove them, and that they may be curbed, and their eyes may fall ere they have their desire of Toleration of their abominable Religion."

-- John Rogers, 539.

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