Saturday, December 29, 2007

Puritan Wisdom

On I Peter 4:7 --

"Obj. We must be as Christ's Disciples, who forsook all and followed Christ.

"Ans. 1. We are not bound to do as they did, for they were called to a special and extraordinary calling to follow Christ, and go into all the world preaching him, which could not stand worldly business. 2. They left not these things in respect of their rights to them, but onely the use of them; They took off their mindes from them, and were content to part with them for Christ and the Gospels sake, and so ought we, but they retained the right of them: Matthew after he followed Christ, feasted Christ, and with him many Publicans in his own house: So Peter had a Boat and Nets, and went a fishing a little after our Savior Christ was taken from him: So that a Minister is not bound to spend that which his friends hath left him, much less are private persons."

-- John Rogers, 550.

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