Sunday, June 22, 2008

Banner Redeux

Our Consistory requires me to give a brief summary of "what I learned" during my study leave. As it was, again, the Banner of Truth Minister's Conference this year, perhaps it will whet your appetite for next year to read this skeleton:

This year’s topic was “The Preacher’s Task.”

The opening sermon on John 21 presented the teaching that the secret of following Christ closely is knowing Him deeply.

The second sermon on II Timothy 1:6 taught that (1) the ordained ministry is a gift from God, (2) this gift can be extinguished, so we must continue to excel though the goal is not within our reach, (3) we can “fan the flame” of the gift because the Holy Spirit empowers us, and (4) we can extinguish the flame by created a fan club out of the congregation, so we must be about reading the Word, preaching, teaching, prayer, and the sacraments.

The third sermon on Hebrews 7:26-28 taught that Christ is the only Perfect Priest, that He offers Himself to God, so our chief message is to be the Atoning Blood of Jesus.

The fourth, on Romans 11:33-36, taught that it is not the minister’s call to gain members (“the church rises and falls as the ministry rises and falls”), but to preach the Word, to be an example of humility, and to lead exalted, praise-directed worship.

The fifth, we ought to have friends amongst God’s people, we ought to have contact with the unconverted, and we need to gain a deeper communion with God.

The sixth, on Titus 2:1-3:2, we ought to teach the flock: (1) sound doctrine, (2) how to live out sound doctrine, (3) according to the type of people in our congregation, (4) with motives for obeying God, (5) by being an example to the flock, and (6) by exhortation and rebuke with authority.

The seventh, we need (1) less self-confidence, (2) measured and persevering faith in God, (3) guidance in the best use of our time, (4) a regular time of self-examination, (5) knowledge of our temperament, (6) time to read all the best books, (7) to read the Bible before e-mails and blogs, (8) to not lose time on controversies, (9) to not see in our churches what we cannot change, (10) to be in constant prayer, working towards revival.

The eighth, on Hebrews 13:9-14, we must be well-verse in sound doctrine, because there is much false teaching in our churches that we need to quash.

The ninth, on Isaiah 42:1-4, as the servants of God we must be (1) completely dependant on God, (2) unyielding in our faithfulness to God, (3) consistently humbled before God, (4) delighted in God’s Son.

Then there was a preaching panel with all of the speakers in which many questions were discussed.

The tenth, on II Corinthians 5:18-21, we are to reach the lost: (1) by announcing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and (2) by appealing/imploring that they be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.

Next year’s topic will have something to do with John Calvin, as it is the 500th anniversary of his birth.

Check it out by clicking on the Banner of Truth link.

1 comment:

Scott Nichols said...

Maybe next year...