Monday, April 27, 2009

The Pastor

The pastor is on vacation from April 27th through May 4th. If you are in need, please call a member of the Consistory or the church office.


Scott Nichols said...

Taking vacation, to miss classis? Why didn't I think of that! Enjoy the Philly conference, knowing that I am now stuck preaching (!) to the regional synod...

Rev. Dr. Peter A. Butler, Jr. said...

Ah, dear brother, since I am not out of town at this point, and no one form the church will attend if I don't go, I do plan to be in attendance this evening. I hope to see you, and, even more so, I hope the church is air conditioned! If not...well, I better bring drugs! Thank you for your well-wishes, and I know the regional synod will be blessed by the son of Spurgeon.

Scott Nichols said...

The illegitimate son perhaps, you know those Victorians...