Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wisdom of the Fathers

On Acts 1:11:
“How did they see him go? In the flesh which they touched, which they felt, the scars of which they even probed by touching; in that body in which he went in and out with them for forty days, manifesting himself to them in truth, not in any falsity; not as an apparition, not as a shadow, not as a spirit, but as he himself said, not deceiving, ‘Handle and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see me to have.’ Now, indeed, that body is worthy of a heavenly dwelling place, not subject to death, not changeable through ages. For as he had grown to that age from infancy, so he does not decline to old age from the age which was young adulthood. He remains as he ascended. He is going to come to those to whom, before he comes, he wanted his word to be preached. So, therefore, he will come in a human form.” – St. Augustine, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament V: Acts, 11-12.

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