Saturday, January 06, 2024

Review: "God Crowns His Own Gifts"


God Crowns His Own Gifts: Augustine, Grace, and the Monks of Hadrumetum by Ian Hugh Clary.

Based primarily on two letters Augustine wrote, the author looks at the growth in Augustine’s understanding in his view of grace and free will. Early on, Augustine had a more flexible understanding which allowed for human free which will change God’s plan. Later on, as he debated the Arians, he came out strongly in favor of Absolute Predestination.

The Monks of Hadrumetum were one group that Augustine had contact with that did not understand and embrace his change in views.  If the scholarly debates came from the theologian Augustine, then the explanation given to the monks was pastoral instruction.

In recent years, there has been an argument put forth that ministers are to be pastor/theologians, both being involved in the academy and in the ministry among the people of the church. In this, pastors grow in knowledge and in grace. A minister who only lives in books is lacking in ability to minister, as is the person who only lives in social problem.  Take Augustine to learn what it means to be a pastor/theologian,

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