Here we find George Petter, of the commentary on Mark, commenting on 4:26 (and following). I quote the four uses of the second doctrine -- read away, dear brothers in the ministry:
"Use 1. See by this, that we ought not to contemn or refuse the Doctrine of the Word, because of the meanness of the person that doth Preach it. Though he be of mean place and condition in the World, or of mean parts and gifts; yet if he be indued with a sufficiency of gift, and have a lawfull calling to the Ministry, we are not to contemn his Doctrine, nor to refuse to hear and imbrace it, so long as he searcheth the truth of God soundly, and in profitable manner. In this case remember, the efficacy of the Word is from God, not from the person of the Minister; and he may if he please, and doth sometimes give asgreat a blessing to the ministry of a man of mean gifts, dealing sincerely in his Ministry, as he doth to the Ministry of another that hath great gifts. He that was powerfull in converting the Wolrd by the Ministry of the Apostles, being but mean persons, and some of them unlearned Fishermen at the time of their first Calling, his Arm is not shortened, but he can fill work mightily and marvellously by the Ministry of mean persons.
"Use 2. This may teach faithfull Mnisters not to be discouraged or troubled at it, nor too much to vex and greive their minds at it, thought they have faithfully laboured in the Ministry, and yet see not in their people such good fruits of their pains as are answerable to their desire and expectation. Here we must remember, that though we be called to Preach the Word, yet it is not in us to make it efectuall to work Grace further than the Lord gives a blessing to our pains, and accompanyeth the outward Teaching with the inward operaiton of his Spirit. He that Planteth and watereth is nothing, but God which onely giveth the increase. Faithfull Ministers are but the Lords Husbandmen, they are to cast the seed of the Word into the Ground; that is to open and apply the Doctrie of it to the Hearers by Preaching: but they cannot of themselvesmake this Seed to spring and grow up in them; that is, to bring forth the fruit of living Grace in them: This God alone can do, by the powerfull work of his Spirit joyned with the outward Ministry. Here then a Faithfull Minister is to do as the Husbandman useth to do. When he had sowed his Seed, and Harrowed it into the ground, he doth not Afflict and trouble himself with care and thought about the growth of it; neither is he discouraged, though he do not see it spring and come up so soon as he expected; but he leaveth these things to Gods Providence and blessing. knowing, that without the blessing of God, and without the vertue of the Sun shining on the earth, and rain falling on it, he himself cannot make the Seed to spring and grow. So a faithful Minister is to do his duty in sowing the Seed of the Word; that is, in Preaching the same to his people diligently; and the to leave and commit the fruit and success of his labours to the blessing of God, not disquieting or discouraging himself about the same, though he do not see such fruit of his Ministry appearing as he earnestly wisheth, knowing that this is wholly in the hands of God o make the Ministry of his Word effectuual to those who hear it.
"Use three. This must move both Ministers and people not to rely onely in the outward Preaching and hearing of the Word, but withall to seek God often and earnestly by prayer to give a blessing to the onward Ministry, that it may be powerfull through the Spirit of God accompanying it to work in Grace in the Hearers, Ministers must not think it enough, that they Preach the Word diligently; but having so done, they are also from time to time to sollicitate God by Prayer for a blessing upon their Ministry, without which all their labour is fruitless. The Husbandman having sown his seed, though he doth not afterward trouble himself with vain and needless care and thought how to make it grow (because he knows he cannot do this) yet he doth wait for a blessing from God upon his seed sown, and he looketh up to the Heavens, desiring that the Sun may shine, and the rainfall on his ground, to make the seed spring up and grow: Even so should a Minister of the Word look up to God, and pray unto him for a blessing upon his Ministry, etc.
"So also the people are not to think this enough, that they have a sound and prophitable Teacher to Preach the Word to them diligently, and that they hear him duly; but they are withall to go unto God by frequent Prayer, craving his blessing upon the Ministry of the Word, and upon their hearing of it, and that he will by the Divine power of his Spirit, make both effectual to work and increase Grace in them, and to further them unto salvation. Remember, the efficay of the Word depends not on the person of the Minister, although he be of never so excellent gifts, but it is wholly from God himself. Seek to him by prayer to make his Word effectuall to thee, else thou wilt never profit by it, though 'Elijah, John the Baptist, or Paul' himself were a live to Preach it to thee: Rest not then in this, that thou livest uinder the Ministry of a good Pastor, but pray unto God daily to make his Ministry profitable to thee, etc.
"Use four. Seeing all the venue and efficacy of the Word Preached is from God, and not from the Minister that Preacheth it; let this move both Ministers and people to yeild unto God all Glory and praise, when they see any good done by the Preaching of the Word; when the good fruits do appear, let God, and not man have the Honour of it, etc."
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