Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Monday Puritan

Brethren, I have never asked the question, "Why did Jesus cross the Sea?" Yet, George Petter gives an answer worthy of hearing, especially on a day when I was considering crossing:

"We should not take Journey, or remove and travell from place to place without a Calling and Warrant from God. Our Saviour in all his Travell and Journey from place to place, by Sea and Land, had respect to the Calling which he had from his heavenly Father; and he never went or journyed to or from and place, either to preach or work Miracles, or any other end, but by virtue of his Callings. So Chap 1.38 Let us go into the next town that I may preach there also, for therefore came I forth. Neither did he undertake any Journey, but at the same time in which it was appointed of his Father that he should go it and we say see Joh, 7.8, he would not go up to Jerusalem to the Feast of Tabernacles so soon as his Kinsfolks would have him, because the due time appointed for his going up thither was not come.
Herein we are to follow his example, not undertaking Journyes. As Israelites journyed by direction of the Cloud and Pillar of Fire; so, &c. Now we have a Calling from God for them, when we undertake them by good Warrant from the written Word of God: that is to say, upon just and lawfull Grounds and Causes, and for good and right ends; as for the Glory of God, and for the procuring of some good to ourselves or others."

May God grant us such reliance and receive our prayers.


Scribe said...

Does that mean I can't go to Disney World? ;)

Rev. Dr. Peter A. Butler, Jr. said...

My understanding is that Disney is both the home of pro-Arian and pro-homosexual activity. So, I would hope you, as a minister, would not have to pray too long to get your answer. :)

Scribe said...

Well, I am in deep trouble, as I have been there at least seven times. I suppose the only recourse now is to repent...


Rev. Dr. Peter A. Butler, Jr. said...

Oops. Aryan.