Thursday, May 17, 2007

Puritan Wisdom

On I Peter 1:10 --

"That for all matters of faith that we teach the people, and would have them receive, we must ground them on no other proof, but the Word of God; no point ought to be admitted touching salvation, whereof God is no the author, and author he is of nothing, but of that which is in his written Word, which is a perfect Rule, able to teach all truth, and confute all error." -- John Rogers, 59.

On verse 12 --

"Again, in that the Apostles we so filled with the Spirit to preach and write, we learn, That they have left unto us a perfect Direction for all things needful for our salvation, and for the good estate of Gods Church, and that therefore there's nothing to be added, detracted or altered.

"1. This condemns them that trust in new Gospels of Thomas, Thaddeus, Bartholomew, &c. and in Traditions and unwritten Verities; which is to accuse the holy Ghost of want of care for his Church, as not having left that which is sufficient for salvation.

"2. It condemns them also that taketh away and alter at their pleasure; what is this, but to tax the holy Ghost for leaving something not necessary, nor profitable for his Church, and by altering or taking away form the same, to make ourselves wiser than he?" -- John Rogers, 70.

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