Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Puritan Wisdom

On I Peter 2:1-3 --

"That ye may grow thereby.] The end of our desiring after the Word, of our Hearing, Reading, Meditating, Conferring thereof, is not that we might get some knowledge to tip our tongues with, and make ourselves the better thought of in some companies, as some do, or that we may be able to discourse, haply cavail against it, but that it may work effectually in our hearts, to humble us, to work in us true Faith and Repentance, and being wrought, may be increased and set forward more and more, and hereat we should aim at all times; when we read a Chapter, or hear a Sermon, we must come with this minde, that we may be the better thereby: For the Word is ordained and is apt and able not onely to convert, and beget us, but also to nourish us, that we may grow up from strength to strength."

-- John Rodgers, 191.

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