Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Puritan Wisdom

On I Peter 5:1 --

"The Apostle knowing that there are three vices incident and very hurtful to the Ministry and Ministers of the Word of God, namely, Idleness, Covetousness, and Pride, seeketh to prevent these in all Ministers, by exhorting them to diligent and faithful performance of their duties belonging to them; namely, 1. To feed the flock of God, that is, to Preach the wholesome Word of God diligently to them. 2. To take oversight of them, that is, to have a special care of them, and regard all their lives and behavior, applying themselves to them accordingly. 3. To be examples to them of pure, humble, and godly conversation; nor doth he onely exhort to the doing of these, but to the right manner of performing the same: They must be done, 1. Not by constraint, that is, out of fear of Gods wrath, or force of mens Laws, but willingly. 2. Not for fifthly lucre, but of a ready and free minde, seeking Gods glory and the peoples salvation. 3. Not being lordy or haughty in their carriage, but examples of humility and godliness: The Reasons whereby he urgeth the same are diverse: The 1. Taken from his own person, verse 1. Where are three motives to perswade them to obey his counsel, even for that he was a Minister as they were, a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker of the glory to come in Heaven. The 2. For that the people were Gods flock and his heritage. The 3. For they did depend on them for instruction and means of Salvation. The 4. For that hereupon they should receive a Crown of glory that fadeth not away."

-- John Rogers, 613-614.

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