Friday, July 03, 2009

Reformed Wisdom

On Acts 2:41 –

“If a single sermon by Peter so effectively won three thousand individuals to Jesus Christ, what will three thousand sermons do? Therein do we recognize our perversity. What good will three thousand days of preaching do us? Very little, for with great difficulty will we find that one person has been brought to Jesus Christ. Yet, we can see from experience how ineffective the word of God is for us, since despite its many admonitions we cannot turn to God. It is true we will protest mightily, saying we desire the teaching, but what effort do we make to follow it and obey it? At the same time we would have to be teachable and allow the word to lead us, since it tells us that God calls us to the hope of salvation” – John Calvin, Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 1-7, 56.

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