Saturday, July 24, 2010

Review: "The Surprising Work of God"

The Surprising Work of God by Jonathan Edwards is Edwards' account of what happened during the First Great Awakening. We used the Whitaker House edition (with modernized language) for our evening Bible Study.

Edwards begins by explaining his reluctance to write this work and why it took him so long to put down the events of those days for publication. He then goes on to describe the Work of the Holy Spirit, showing that what happened in those days was wholly a Work of God among the people.

Edwards, like a good scientist, records generally what he saw occur, and then he includes several specific case studies. He ends his work with the sad withdrawal of the Holy Spirit.

One cannot help but be impressed with the truth that salvation and revival are wholly the Work of God. Knowing that has a profound impact on what we do and what we expect as we seek to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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