Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Review: "Weight Loss the Vegan Way: A 21-Day Meal Plan with Over 75 Easy Recipes" (manuscript)


            I have been working to stick to a whole-foods plant-based diet for some time with a fair amount of success, and I am always looking to tweak it and become more in line with what I believe is good eating – in part due to being overweight.

            That being the case, I was interested to get Lisa Danielson’s book, Weight Loss the Vegan Way: a 21-Day Meal Plan with Over 75 Easy Recipes. Thus far, I am impressed with the book.

            The book begins with a brief synopsis of the author’s journey, looks at the reason the Standard American Diet fails us, and examines the basic does and don’t of effective weight loss.  From there, she talks about positive lifestyle changes, how to balance your plate, and reasons why it is helpful to keep track of your food each day.

            The author provides a list of basic tools for the kitchen, names of some ingredients which may be new to her readers and provides encouragement for beginning this change.

            The second chapter is the 21-Day Meal Plan.  The author lists a week by week hopping list and then provides charts show what will be made and when it will be eaten.

            In the second section of the book, Danielson presents the recipes – each with time to prepare, serving, calories, protein, fiber, and sugar content.  She also has color-coded bars showing if a recipe has five ingredients or less, gluten-free, no cook, nut free, one pot, quick, and soy free.

            After the recipes, she has a measurement conversions chart, references, and an index which lists by recipe name and ingredient – which I love!

            As far as the recipes – I made her “Slow Cooker Sweet Potato Curry” (on page 96), and it is delicious!  It is not hot, so you can adjust if you prefer it with ore heat, but it is creamy – velvety – so good.  I look forward to making more of her recipes – and hopefully losing some weight.

            [This review appears on my blog, my YouTube channel, Amazon.com, and Goodreads.com.]

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