Saturday, October 30, 2021

Review: These Truths Alone


Tomorrow, October 31st, is Reformation Day. We will be giving out copies of Jason Helopoulos’ book, These Truths Alone: Why the Reformation Solas Are Essential for Our Faith Today. This book was first released in 2017 – marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

This book is part of “The Good Book Guide to” series.

The author states the importance of the Solas: “Each of the Solas proves to be essential to the gospel. We neglect them to our harm. When the church loses its understanding of these rallying cries of the Reformation, it loses the gospel” (5).

He then has six chapters – one on each of the Solas – Scripture alone, Christ alone, grace alone, faith alone, and Glory to God alone – and one on perseverance.

Each chapter is designed for self-study or group study. Each chapter begins with two scriptures – one from the Old Testament and one for the New that support the doctrine of the Sola in question.

The chapters include a dictionary of terms, general questions on the theme, questions on the Scripture texts, questions regarding the implications of the text, a section of addition areas to “explore more,” question on application, a section on how the reader responds to what has been learned, and, finally, a section of things to pray for.

The book includes a detailed leader’s guide for using this book as a group study.

I believe the Solas are necessary for the Gospel. This book does an excellent job of explaining them and their place in Scripture. If you are unfamiliar with the Solas, need a refresher or additional theological and practical guidance, this is a great place to go.

[This review appears on my blog,, and].

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