Saturday, November 27, 2021

Review: The Tigress of Forli


The Tigress of Forli:  Renaissance Italy’s Most Courageous and Notorious Countess:  Caterina Riario Sforza De’ Medici by Elizabeth Lev is my latest read.

I watched the TV series, The Borgias, and it made me seek out more about some of the characters of that period. Caterina De’ Medici is one of them. One of the things that interested me is that she came close to stopping the excesses of the Borgia Pope.

Caterina suffered the loss of three husbands but lead her people in peace and war, bore children, showing and unexpected strength. In the end, she is imprisoned, but she is released in time, spending the rest of her life preparing her children to be great.

The work includes quotations from extant writing of Caterina – as well as other figures of the time.

It ends with notes, sources, and an index.

A fascinating and very readable biography.

[This review appears on my blog,, and].

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