Friday, December 15, 2023

Review: "Jesus Wins"


One of the books I read (as I am preaching through Revelation) is Jesus Wins: The Good News of the End Times by Dayton Hartman.

Hartman says that arguing about eschatology solves nothing. One just needs to know that eschatology is to be understood as a return to Eden. The Kingdom begins with the Church, and we are already seated with Christ in the heavenly places.

He goes on to explain the different millennial views, and he puts for the eschatological view of the ecumenical creeds.

He concludes that when Jesus returns, He wins.

He has a first appendix with suggested reading, a second with the Athanasian Creed.  Then he has endnotes and a bibliography.

I did not find this book helpful.  Besides saying that Jesus wins in the end, there is no solid, coherent argument for what that means or how it comes to pass.

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