Thursday, May 13, 2021

Review: "Gwendy's Button Box" (manuscript)


Gwendy is a teenage girl who is overweight.  Her classmates tease her, and she has had enough.  She is dieting and runs up and down the “Suicide Stairs” for exercise.

            One day, Gwendy meets a man who says he has something for her – a button box.  He explains that it is her’s for the time being.  There are two little cranks – one produces a little chocolate which controls her appetite.  The other crank delivers an 1891 Morgan dollar.  The buttons in the box are for different continents, and then there is the black button.  He warns her to be careful about using the buttons       .

            So beings the enjoyable novella Gwendy’s Button Box by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar.

            What would you do with a button box?

            [This review appears on my blog, my YouTube channel,, and]


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