Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Review: "How to Be Poor"


Milo Yiannopoulos has called himself a “provocateur.” Without getting into a debate on his political views and the rhetoric of his speeches, one can acknowledge that he uses humor, the politics of the right, and an over-the-top persona in his appearances.

In recent years, Milo has fallen on hard times, largely due to his excessive spending and naiveté about the money he had and the people he considered friends.  In his book, How to Be Poor, he addresses these errors and gives advice that will help the reader avoid becoming poor.

He addresses seven issues:  eating the wrong foods and too much of them, using expensive transportation, having your hair done far too often, picking “friends” who only care about what they can get from you, using your body self-destructively, being paralyzed with shame, and turning away from Christianity.  These things, he argues, drove him into poverty.

He doesn’t just state what he did wrong, but he specifically goes through how to correct each of these issues, hopefully regaining a footing in life.  I leave the answers to these issues to your reading.

That being said, Milo makes good arguments for what he did wrong – and what we may have done wrong – and well as how to become a better person.  I recommend this book to you.  It doesn’t answer everything, but it does address some serious issues and will help you consider making positive changes in your life.

[This review appears on my blog, Amazon.com, and Goodreads.com].

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