Friday, June 17, 2022

Review: "Rembrandt is in the Wind"


A friend of mine took me to see sculptures in an outdoor setting.  There are painters I enjoy.  Musicians, writers, all types of artists.  With God as the Author of beauty, art will enhance and lift our lives – even if we have preferences with regards to art – and that’s ok.

Russ Ramsey has written a very helpful and encouraging book for those who love art and those who have little experience with art – specifically focusing on paintings and painters in Rembrandt is in the Wind:  Learning to Love Art Through the Eyes of Faith.

Ramsey tells the story of over a dozen painters in his book – the “big” names as well as some I have never heard of.  Ramsey shows that knowing the life of the artist helps the viewer to see the art.

Each chapter has a black and white painting, and in the middle of the book is a collection of full-color paintings.

As the title of the books suggests, all of life is connected to faith, and the understanding of Scripture.  Ramsey shows how each of the artists and their work reflect some aspect of the beauty of God – whether it be I sorrow or joy.

This book helped me to better understand Art – not the methodology of painting, but how to see it.

There is an epilogue in which Ramsey encourages and challenges the reader to “give yourself to a craft” (208).  There is no guarantee that your efforts will make you rich or famous, but you will “contribute beauty to this world” (208).  We are more than cogs in a machine, we are expressors of beauty that emanates from the Beautiful One.

The first appendix explains how best to visit a museum.  He includes what I found to be encouraging guidance to look around and go consider what you are attracted to – it is not necessary to go to each work one at a time.

The second appendix explains how to look t a work of art.

The third gives an overview of Western art from the Renaissance to the modern day.

Finally, there is a list of selected works and a section of endnotes.

This book is an excellent entrance into art, and it has taught and encouraged me to create beauty and to love other’s art.  It is also an excellent book for those well-acquainted with art and its beauty.  So, I have bought a copy for my friend.

[This review appears on my blog,, and].

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