Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Review: "The Sweet By and By"

Country Music star Sara Evans’ first novel is the work, The Sweet By and By. You can check it out at the publisher’s website at http://www.thomasnelson.com/consumer/product_detail.asp?sku=1595544895&title=The_Sweet_By_and_By

The story concerns a young woman named, Jade, who is engaged to be married to Max, but from the initial counseling session with his minister, one is given the impression that there is much to be revealed and settled before the wedding occurs – beginning with the fact the he is a “believer,” whereas she is unsure, to which the minister says he is unable to perform the wedding unless she becomes sure – bravo for portraying such convictions in a world that doesn’t much care.

The book is well-written and a fast-paced read as the reader learns about Jade’s family and past and her own inability to forgive what she and others have gone through. Is there forgiveness? Is there redemption? Should Jade be getting married? And how did her dog lose an eye? It is likely that this book will do well and be enjoyed by many.

Two criticisms would be that in the first third of the book, many of the items used are identified not merely as what they are, but with brand names – this is dropped for the second two-thirds of the book. I would not say it is wrong to use brand names, but it was being used so much and so consciously that I felt like there were advertisements in the book at times.

My second criticism would be the ending. Without giving anything much away, although Jade’s “encounter” with Jesus does not instantly remove all her problems – thank you for that! – but it still seems a bit too “easy.” I won’t say any more for the sake of the reader.

It is an enjoyable work, and it seems to be the first in a series, so if one likes this book, more will be on the way.

(This review was written as a reviewer for Thomas Nelson and is posted on my blog and Amazon.com.)

1 comment:

Rev. Dr. Peter A. Butler, Jr. said...

Do not click on links left by others on this blog -- not a good thing. And those who do it -- please stop!