Thursday, July 05, 2012

Puritan Wisdom

On Hebrews 1:10-12 – “What we have not in ourselves, by an interest in Christ we have in another. In him we have stability and unchangeableness; for what he is in himself, he is on to us and for us. All of our concernments are wrapped up and secured in him. He is ours: and though we in our own persons change, he changeth not, nor our interest in him, – which is our life, our all. Though we die, yet he dieth not; and because he liveth, we shall live also. Though all other things perish and pass away that we here make use of, yet he abideth a blessed and satisfying portion onto a believing soul: for as we are his, so all his is ours; only laid up in him and kept for us in him. So that under all disconsolations that may befall us from our own frailty and misery, and the perishing condition of outward things, we have sweet relief tendered us in this, that we have all good things treasured up for us in him. And faith knows how to make use of all that is in Christ, to the comfort and supportment of the soul”– John Owen, Epistle to the Hebrews, volume 3, 216

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