Friday, January 24, 2020

Review: "The 4-Hour Body"

            I really enjoyed Timothy Ferriss’ book, The 4-Hour Work Week.  I was less impressed with his book, The 4-Hour Body.

            In this book, Ferriss addresses several issues, first beginning with both weight loss and muscle building.

            Ferriss has an interesting idea called the “Slow-Carb Diet,” which consists of five points:

1.      Avoid white carbs.

2.      Eat the same few meals over and over.

3.      Don’t drink your calories.

4.      Don’t eat fruit.

5.      One day a week, eat whatever you want (75).

This makes up the first half of the book. And... despite the anecdotes, it seems that something important in nutrition is missing.  I was discouraged and overwhelmed, so I didn’t formulate an argument against what he says, I just dropped it.

The next section looks at how to improve sex.

Then, how to improve sleep.

How to reverse permanent injuries.

And ultra-endurance.

These sections are things I am not up for, and he also looks to have you get tests and do things that most people, it seems to me, won’t do.  Such as going to another country for less expensive tests.

Meh.  Just skip this one.

            [This review appears on my blog,, and]

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