Sunday, January 26, 2020

Review: "Insecure"

I wondered what John Perritt would say in his book, Insecure:  Fighting Our Lesser Fears with a Greater One, being someone who is very insecure.  His little book is quite worth the read.

            Perritt notes that some of the content of this book was given at conferences for Reformed Youth Ministries.  In keeping with the audience first in mind, this is a very readable book, though it is not easy – it is bound to make anyone who suffers with insecurity a bit uneasy at times – but for good reason, and with an antidote.

            Perritt defines insecurity as being “self-focused” (19).  Now don’t get your backs up.

Each chapter ends with reflection/discussion questions and a prayer.

            Insecurity – being self-focused comes from the lies that dwell in our hearts (“did God say”) due to Original Sin and sin in our lives (31).

            Insecurity causes fear, judgmentalism, and jealousy.  If you are unsure of this, just talk with most people about theirs views about their social media (59).

            Freedom comes in believing that we are hidden in Christ (74), that we are created in God’s Image and for community – the Church (82).

            “Our insecurities often move us to focus on self.  So, a very helpful practice is getting our eyes off of ourselves.  Getting us to stop focusing in the mirror and start looking out the window [seeing the beauties of God through the Scripture]” (90, italics his).

            The book ends with a reflection on when we should care about what others think – that is, regarding our witness to Christ and His Gospel.

            A second appendix with a quiz to see how social media is affecting you.

            And a third with Scriptures we can say to ourselves to become secure in Christ.

            Each chapter ends with reflections questions and a prayer.

            This book is well worth your purchase, for junior high age and up – for anyone who has ever felt insecure and confesses Jesus as God and Savior.

            [This review appears on my blog,, and]

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