Sunday, August 02, 2020

Review: "Crucified and Risen" (manuscript)


            Crucified and Risen:  Sermons on the Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ by John Calvin is the latest translation of Calvin’s sermons published by Banner of Truth.

            This is a new translation from the 1558 edition of this work containing nine sermons that moves the reader from the Garden through the Resurrection and the with a new, appended sermon on the Ascension.

            If you have only read Calvin’s commentaries or his theological works, his sermons are quite different.  They are much more pastoral and warmer, with clear application. These sermons as very readable and well worth your time.

            Sit under one of the great reformers and hear him preach about Holy Week and the Ascension.

            The book contains a scripture index, a subject index, and a list of other Calvin titles from the Banner.

            [This review appears on my blog, my YouTube channel,, and]

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