Friday, September 25, 2020

Review: "Frankenstorm" (manuscript)


            Frankenstorm by Ray Gorton is a fun book recommended by Stephen King.

            There is a massive hurricane heading for the West coast of the United States.

            There is a compound that is said to be working on vaccines but is actually using homeless people as guinea pigs in an effort to create a virus to be used as a chemical weapon.

            There is a veteran who cares for the homes who figures out what is going on and breaks in with a bunch of other men.

            There is a man trying to get his son back from his drug addicted ex-wife

            And there is a sheriff who says he’ll help the man, but it turns out he is an insane murderer.

            And these things are all happening at the same time.

            The edition of the book I read came with a bonus story about what can happen when you seek vengeance.

            I enjoyed the book and the story, though I was thinking it would be more frightening.  It is very well written, and the characters are believable.


            [This review appears on my blog, my YouTube channel,, and]

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