Thursday, September 10, 2020

Review: "Mindfulness for Beginners" (manuscript)


            Mindfulness for Beginners: 4 Weeks to Everyday Peace, Gratitude, and Focus by Ashley Sharp is a thorough and straightforward introduction and guide to mindfulness.

            Sharp explains that mindfulness is taking stock of what something is in the now without judgement. It is considering an event or a feeling and acknowledging what it is in the moment, accepting it for what it is and then making positive decisions based on that knowledge and acceptance.

            After the introduction to mindfulness, the book is divided into four sections for the four weeks of learning mindfulness: the first week considers one’s body, the second one’s home, the third one’s work, and the fourth, the world.

            Sharp leads the reader through a meditation each day – and it may take a couple of reads of what she wants you so you have it down before you actually go ahead and do it.  Each day also lists the approximate amount of time for the meditation (5 to 15 minutes for the most part, though you can go longer), and then she has a section on how to deal with challenges relative to the meditation and adjustments you can make to better benefit from the meditation.

            There are periodic pages with inspirational quotes on artistic backgrounds.

            The book ends with a chapter on how to go forward after the four weeks and a list of resources.

            I found this book helpful and encouraging. I am adding more mindfulness practice into my own life especially as I have times of anxiety.  It is helpful to stop and consider what is really happening in the moment, address it as such, and move forward in a positive way.

            If you find the world a bit too fast, might I suggest you give mindfulness a try?

            [This review appears on my blog, my YouTube channel,, and]

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